6 Simple Tips to Help Cure Your Acne Naturally and Effectively

Before we can go deeper by providing you this valuable information, let's dive into the acne issues and know how to prevent them.

Acne is a skin problem that can cause several types of bumps to form on the surface of the skin. These bumps can form anywhere on the body but are most common on the face, neck, back and shoulders. Some studies suggest that your diet may help reduce acne, but there is no evidence for a dietary cure. 

Some types of food however can greatly help your skin to be healthy and free your pores from bacteria. For instance, you can eat different types of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grain for that matter. 

To help diminish acne, you should stay away from some types of food such as pasta, white rice, white bread and eventually sugar. These can trigger spikes in your blood sugar to form acne.

See below six tips that can help reduce or eliminate many known acne issues.

First, three times a day, put a drop of tea-tree oil on blemishes to discourage infection and speed healing. Research has found that 5% tea-tree oil is as effective against acne as a 5% benzoyl peroxide solution.

Second, for acne that flares at that time of the month, drink one or two cups of chaste berry tea a day. Studies suggest that this herb helps regulate female hormones. Give the herb two or three month to work effectively. And do not drink copious amounts of the tea to hasten the results because it may make your skin look worse.

Third, dab vinegar or lemon juice on pimples to flush them out. All vinegars contain acids that can help flush out instantly your pores. 

Fourth, use a mixture of spice and honey on your pimples. Combine one teaspoon powdered nutmeg and 1 teaspoon of honey then apply it to the pimple. Leave on for at least 20 minutes then wash off. Honey has some kind of antiseptic properties to help combat acne.

Five, apply a bit of aloe vera. One study found that 90% of skin sores were completely healed with aloe vera within a maximum of five days.

Sixth, the effect of zinc to cure your acne naturally. People with acne tend to have lower than normal zinc levels. Zinc supplements produce visible improvement in about a third of people who take them. You'll need high doses, though between 200 and 600 milligrams daily. It is imperative that you do this under your doctor's supervision to avoid some complications. 

These are the six most important pieces of advice for a healthy skin free of acne. If you follow them, they can help reduce or eliminate acne in your life.

 Prevention Tip: " If you keep your skin free of dirt and excess oil, the thinking goes, perhaps your pores will never get clogged"

Article suivant Four Simple Things You Can Do to Stop the Forming of Acne in Your Face