Four Simple Things You Can Do to Stop the Forming of Acne in Your Face

First off, let's start by defining what acne is and how it is formed. According to skin experts, "your skin is producing too much sebum, the thick, an oily substance that creates a natural lubricant, but in excess is blocking your pores." 

What is a pore in simple definition? A pore is any tiny hole or opening that allows the passage of liquid. In humans, pores are the little holes that bring us such pleasures as armpit sweat and, when clogged, pimples. 

There are two kinds of acne. The Acne Vulgaris and the Cystic Acne

  • The most common form is called "acne vulgaris". It shows up on your face, your chest, shoulders or back as blackheads, whiteheads or red blemishes.
  • The Cystic acne appears as painful cysts or firm, painless lumps.

A fluctuation in the hormones caused by puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, perimenopause, or birth-control pills often allow the fluctuation of the production of sebum which can trigger an outbreak of either the Vulgaris or the Cystic. Other culprits include emotional stress, clothing that rubs against the skin, and of course on people taking some types of drugs, such as steroids. But, genetics may also play a major role in having acne in our daily lives.

Can you find a good treatment for your acne?

Yes, good treatment is out there. There are many types of acne treatments on the market. Some work but it will take some time for you to see results. Others, do not work and consequently may impact your skin. But, the best acne remedy should work effectively if you take time to search for the right one.

First, some of the immediate solutions is to find over-the-counter cream or gel formulated with benzoyl peroxide. However, it works by mildly irritating the skin, which can encourage dying skin cells to flake off. This type of cream helps care your skin by reopening pores that are clogged. Also, Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that infects clogged pores. 

Second, use the Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic acid slough off the outermost layer of skin to help keep your pores clear and unclogged. You can opt for a cream, lotion, or gel that contains at least 8% glycolic acid.

Third, another tip of effective cure is to prevent the pimple from forming. For instance, at first appearance, wrap an ice cube in a piece of plastic wrap and hold it to the area at least twice daily or better every hour but no longer than five minutes each time. The effect will be amazing as the cold will reduce the redness and ease the inflammation.

Finally, get an aspirin or two. Taking one or two 325-milligram tablets four times a day, will give you great relief and can help calm an acne outbreak by reducing the inflammation. 

These are some of the techniques and advice you can follow to help prevent your acne and keep your skin clean and healthy. 

Wait to read our next episode on "The Alternative Solutions to Cure Acne Effectively."

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